Forest Stewardship Plans

A FSP is prepared by forest licensees and provides a map-based, landscape-level view of potential forest development activities that are intended to take place on the areas described in the plan. It must be consistent with government objectives which address values, including cultural heritage resources, water, soils, wildlife, and biodiversity, to preserve the integrity of the environment while enabling sustainable commercial forest and rangeland practices.

Any cut block that is harvested must, at a minimum, be consistent with direction provided in the FSP. Further guidance is provided certification processes, best practice documents, and information provided by First Nations and stakeholders.

The Morice and Bulkley 2017-2022 FSP covers portions of the Bulkley and Morice Timber Supply areas (TSA). The areas in the Bulkley TSA are managed under Witset licenses. While areas in the Morice TSA are managed under Canfor, Witset and the Dungate Community Forest licenses. Detailed information on that FSP can be found here or the link on the left.

The Prince George FSP covers portions of the Prince George Timber Supply Area (TSA) these areas are managed under Canfor and other licensees. Detailed information on that FSP can be found here or the link on the left.

Any replacements, amendments or extensions that are currently on-going to either documents can be found at the links to the left.